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If your employer refuses to pay you sick pay

Your employer must pay you Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if you can get it.  You should always talk to your employer to try to sort out a problem before you take any further action.   If you can’t agree about your SSP, ask your employer to give you their reasons for not paying you SSP in writing. They should do this on a form called SSP1. You can see what the SSP1 form looks like on GOV.UK. If your employer doesn’t give you form SSP1 or if you don’t agree with their reasons, you can complain to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). If you’re not sure, check if you can get sick pay. If you’re late telling...

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How to get sick pay

Your employer must tell you what to do when you’re off work sick, including: when you should tell them you’re sick what information you need to give them If your employer hasn’t told you, ask them what to do or check your staff handbook or intranet.  You should also check if your employer has rules about any extra sick pay they offer, sometimes called - ‘contractual sick pay’ (CSP). This is sick pay your employer might pay as well as SSP. If you don't follow your employer's rules You’ll be breaking a term of your contract with your employer.  You should still get any statutory sick...

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Check if you can get sick pay

You might be able to get Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) when you're off work sick. It depends on your earnings and your situation. You can't get SSP for the first 3 days you're off sick but after that you can get £109.40 a week for up to 28 weeks. Your employer might also pay you their own sick pay - usually called ‘contractual sick pay’ (CSP). You get CSP and SSP at the same time. Check the main eligibility rules If you work for an employer, you can usually get SSP if you: have started work with your employer are sick for 4 full days or more in a row, including your non-working days earn...

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