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Getting paid when you leave a job

If you haven’t been paid the right amount after leaving a job, you can take steps to get what you’re owed. You need to act quickly - the deadline for taking action is usually 3 months less one day from when your employer should have paid you the money you’re owed. This is often the same date as your last pay date, but it’s a good idea to check the date your employer should have paid you what you’re owed, in case it was due on an earlier date. On top of your basic pay, you could be owed: holiday pay sick pay - if you were off sick in your notice period maternity, paternity, adoption or...

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Getting paid when you leave a job

If you haven’t been paid the right amount after leaving a job, you can take steps to get what you’re owed. You need to act quickly - the deadline for taking action is usually 3 months less one day from when your employer should have paid you the money you’re owed. This is often the same date as your last pay date, but it’s a good idea to check the date your employer should have paid you what you’re owed, in case it was due on an earlier date. On top of your basic pay, you could be owed: holiday pay sick pay - if you were off sick in your notice period maternity, paternity, adoption or...

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Getting paid less than minimum wage or living wage

Most people who work are entitled to get paid at least the National Minimum Wage. This includes casual workers, people on zero hours contracts and agency workers. There is also a higher rate called the National Living Wage. You should be paid this if you’re 23 or older and you’re entitled to the National Minimum Wage. If your employer fires you or alters your work so they don't have to pay you the National Minimum Wage or the National Living Wage, you might be able to challenge this Find out whether you’re entitled to the minimum wage or living wage You’re entitled to the minimum wage or...

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If your employer hasn’t paid you what they owe you

Your employer should pay you on time for work you’ve done - they should pay you on your agreed pay day. You can challenge your employer if: they haven’t paid your wages they’ve underpaid you they’ve deducted some or all of your wages - and you don’t agree with their reason If you have a payslip, you can check it to help you work out exactly what the problem is. You should talk to your employer to find out why they haven’t paid you what you expected. If they’ve made a mistake, ask them to pay you straight away. You shouldn’t have to wait until your next pay day. If your employer...

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