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Dealing with the financial affairs of someone who has died

How to deal with the property of a person who has died Everything owned by a person who has died is known as their estate. The estate may be made up of: money, both cash and money in a bank or building society account. This could include money paid out on a life insurance policy money owed to the person who has died shares property, for example, their home personal possessions, for example, their car or jewellery. If the person who died owes money to other people, for example, on a credit card, for fuel, for rent or a mortgage, this comes out of the estate. The...

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What to do after a death

Registering the death The registration of the death is the formal record of the death. It's done by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. It’s a criminal offence not to register a death. You can find out how to register a death in the UK or abroad on GOV.UK. You’ll be told who can register the death, what they need to do and what documents they’ll need. When a coroner is needed Anyone who is unhappy about the cause of a death can inform a coroner about it, but in most cases a death will be reported to a coroner by a doctor or the police. A coroner is a doctor or lawyer appointed...

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